Entries Tagged 'Bible'

We Believe: The Bible

Our bodies aren’t something to be ashamed of or to be overcome, but rather something to be celebrated and redeemed. Through the example of Jesus, we understand that the body is a gift from God, and that it has eternal value.

We Believe: The Bible

We’re diving into biblical authority and what it means for our lives. We believe that the Bible is not just any book but the inspired Word of God, with absolute authority and without error. Join us as we explore why the Bible is unique and how it reveals Jesus, and discover how the Holy Spirit helps us understand its message.

Live Your Truth (March 12, 2023)

“Live Your Truth.” Have you heard this trendy advice? It’s a simple way of saying that personal opinions are non-negotiable. I may not be right, but I’m being real to myself. This is definitely a trend. But is it truth?

Are Our Headlights Out? (July 26, 2021)

What should we believe about God’s Word? What does God’s Word tell us about itself? How should we approach it if people have used God’s Word to hurt us? Those are questions we look at tonight.